Sunday, January 17, 2021

Art and connection during the pandemic - by Barbra Danin

For what are you most grateful as you look back over the year and why? I'm grateful that I don't have to face many of the challenges that others have had to deal with:  I have food security, I'm able to work, I live in a home I enjoy spending time in, I don't have to educate my child, and I have my health. 


What did you take for granted this year? I'm trying not to take anything for granted these days and hope that I'll continue to feel gratitude and awe well after the pandemic passes. 


What did this reveal to you about yourself and your presence in the world? I realize how fragile my existence is, and how important it is to savor every moment.  I have learned to prioritize my relationships with friends and family in ways that weren't as clear before the lockdown. 


What new hobby or old pastime did you take up or revive during the months of 

lockdown? For a long time, I have yearned to spend more time making art. Several years ago I showed a friend my beloved collection of antique dishes, and the next day they all fell out of the cupboard.  I saved the pieces in order to make a mosaic and found a cement birdbath.  I worked on it on and off for over 10 years and committed to finishing it when I moved to Philadelphia.  Still unsatisfied with the base, I became inspired to do a mosaic on that as well, and for the past 2 months I've been working on it whenever I have free time. 


Was there an unexpected joy that you experienced during this time? Connecting with friends and relatives on a more regular basis  (I even reconnected with a friend I knew growing up in the Philippines as a young child!).


What is the most important thing that the year of Covid 19 has taught you? 

I hope to never take the basic things in life for granted......the importance to me of friends, family, travel, being a part of the world, making each day count!! 

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