Friday, July 15, 2011

How Big? by Dean Solon

How big are we supposed to be?

What Is is nearly infinite in its spaciousness, in its openness, in its vastness.  Words are limiting, and What Is stretches nearly infinitely beyond all possible limitations and boundaries.  We are created to be immense, expanding beings big enough to "contain" all that is in its nearly infinite complexity and its nearly infinite simplicity.  We are to be big enough so that All That Is is expressed fully in our words, in our actions,
in the walk that we are walking,
in the silence that is nearly enveloping in its nearly infinite field.

We are intended to manifest the spaciousness that is ever becoming the spaciousness of What Is, to unfold the openness that is ever becoming the openness of What Is, to reveal the vastness that is ever becoming the vastness of What Is.

How big are we supposed to be?

We are to be big enough to create the illusion,
we are to be big enough to maintain the illusion,
we are to be big enough to override
     and set aside the illusion.

We are to be big enough to be a drop of water dripping from the faucet of all time and space, big enough to be the drop infinitely dripping from that which is behind and beyond the faucet of all time and space.

We are unleashed, to be the drop that is One Drop,
to be the trickle become the flood