Tuesday, March 31, 2020

No Passing, No Failing

by Dean Solon

A day of resting, of resting more, beckons.
Waking into a deep of sadness and sorrow,
of a world suffering, a nation imploding,
a madness upon the land.
am not writhing, am not wound up in the whirlwind.
am simply seeing what there is to see,
and the strange way(s) we are living in this world.
witnessing this: whatever ways each of us is living
carries with it no passing, no failing.
no grades are given.  there is no passing or failing.

each of us in each and every moment living in and with the waves washing over us.  each of us sometimes swimming in the shallow waters, sometimes swimming in the deep waters.
no judgment applies, no judgment descends,  no judgment is relevant.  no one "doing better" on his/her own path than anyone else.
the footprints we are walking in are strange, are new, are familiar.  we have co-created them, and are co-creating them.

the view is extreme, the view is exquisite, the view is simple.

may we not be living harshly in these harrowing times.

what a wonderful time to be kind and gentle with yourself and with others.

and we need not be perfect in doing it.

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