Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Flowing Through Winter, Practicing Dancing

By Karen Steinbrecher
Welcome to winter.   You may groan when you read this.   Smile. I write this on a rainy day. QiGong practice resonates with Traditional Chinese Medicine practice (TCM).   The TCM system recognizes 5 Seasons throughout the Year. 
We have moved through the Winter Solstice into the season called the WATER Element.
During the Winter Season, we send our energies into our roots, just as the trees do in nature. 
It is normal to sleep a bit more, to eat heavier warming food, and to build energy that can be released in Spring (the Wood element). 
Winter is a time to seek the warmth of love and friendship. 
It is a time for assessment and reflection. 
It is time to recognize the rhythm of nature and follow along.
QiGong is a tool for us to move and flow, to navigate around those obstacles.
To go with the flow of life. 
When our Qi (life energy) is blocked or stagnant, that is when we may dwell upon stress, pain and encounter problems. 
Our Qi helps us to weave through chaos (hundun) to find, even for a few minutes, that peaceful place within. 
Qi dao, Yi dao is my mantra. 
Where the Qi goes and flows, the mind goes.
Let us recognize Water as a great teacher. 
It shows us how to move through the world with grace, ease, determination and humility. 
As it flows upon the earth, the water’s journey can be a mirror of our path through life. 
Water can inspire us to not become rigid with fear or cling to what is familiar. 
Water doesn’t cling to its past, it is brave, and flows onward without looking back. 
When there is a hole to be filled, water doesn’t run away from its fear of the dark; instead water bravely, humbly fills the empty space. 
In the same way we can face the dark moments of our own life bravely, and not run from them.
Qi dao Yi dao. 
We move through life encountering many twists, turns and obstacles along the way just as a river flows.  

Karen invites you to dance and flow through a QiGong practice at the Resiliency Center, Thursdays @ 2P.M. and @ 6:20 P.M.   $10.00 for a one hour class.  Bring socks or slippers.  To register go to:  http://www.meetup.com/Resiliency-Gatherings-for-Movement-Inner-Strength-Joy/ or contact Karen at karensteinbrecher@msn.com.

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